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CH Wesley von Berens RN VX

July 16, 2000 - May 24, 2014

Southpaw Hasko JD x Kixi Beren's Tess


Versatile Excellent

AKC Champion


AKC Novice Rally Obedience

DOB: July 16, 2000


Solid Liver

OFA Hips: Good


About Wesley

Wesley is our foundation German Wirehaired Pointer that became more than we ever imagined.  Wesley is a solid, hard driving dog that doesn't quit on land or in the water.  He has a superb nose and pointed far off his birds.  Not only did he excel in the field, he was also the star of a safety program for children teaching them how to be safe around dogs.  His offspring have followed closely in his footsteps.  He has truly been a versatile dog.

Wesley is now Karen's old man, enjoying his older years in life in Lincoln, Michigan.  Now 13 1/2 years old he spends his time on the couch and playing with his toys.  If his grey face didn't tell the tale, you would never know his age.
It was time to say goodbye May 24, 2014.  Wesley's body began failing him.  He is missed around the house as my heart and household are now empty.  He will forever be remembered fondly and will still always be my first and #1 GWP.



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