West Wind Kennels llc

AKC Grand Champion
AKC Junior Hunter
AKC Rally Novice Obedience
DOB: July 10, 2010
CHIC #: 86950
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Thyroid: Normal
CERF clear
Cardiac: Normal (Cardiologist)
About Turner
Turner is becoming more than we could have ever imagined from our little purple collared boy. He finished his AKC Championship with ease at 18 months of age. Six short months later he came out as a special for his first time for the Vizsla Club of Michigan Specialties. That weekend he went back to back Best in Specialty Show. He has completed his Grand Championship and was the top vizsla in Michigan in 2013. In the field he is a pleasure to hunt behind. He is preparing for his Senior and Master Hunter tests and the NAVHDA Utility test. He hunted beautifully in the grouse woods through the fall and has guided hunts throughout the winter. He is a proper compact dog with an ideal companion personality. He is quickly becoming a favorite among everyone.
MBISS GCH Scout 'em Out Turnin' Heads JH RN NAVHDA NA II
CH Jazzan Summer Sequence x Isabella of Newaygo