West Wind Kennels llc
German Wirehaired Pointer Puppies
BIS BISS DC AFC Jetset's Ragtop Day at Scotia CD NAVHDA NA II x
RipsnorterNCladdagh Backing up the Dream NAVHDA NA II
"Cruiser" x "Raven"
Whelped July 12, 2014
2 Males and 6 Females
**All puppies are with their families**
Watch for updates for our next litter
It's finally time for an exciting GWP litter from our kennel bringing together two very beautiful and talented dogs!
Raven has now proven herself in the grouse woods as a bird finding machine. She points far off her birds with great style. She is a great companion at home and is always there to bring a smile. She has a 5 point major in the show ring.
Cruiser made a name for himself by being the first Dual Champion to also win an All-Breed Best in Show. Cruiser hunted all upland game, including pheasant, grouse, chukkar, quail, and huns. He also retrieved ducks, geese, and doves. Cruiser hunted until the day he passed and never missed an opportunity to hit the field.
We are expecting to see fantastic bird dogs with high field drive with great structure and style.
We will announce when Raven has been bred. We expect this to be in April or May.
For further information, please contact Karen at (616)901-3297 or Valerie at (616)450-4399.